quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2007

divertido de ouvir / a good listen

Frieze Talks

Custodians of Culture - Schoolyard Art: Playing Fair Without the Referee

4pm, Friday 12 October 2007

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Dave Hickey (Cultural Critic and Professor of English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas) will present a keynote lecture on the subject of selling without selling out focusing on how sites of commerce have evolved from the white cube to the art fair.

  • Dave Hickey (Cultural Critic and Professor of English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

noticia menor / minor news

Artworld Salon
Wednesday October 24, 2007 | 12:39 by Ian Charles Stewart in Beijing | permalink

To regulate or not…

The apparent failure of a prominent gallery in New York this week (NYT, NYO, Bloomberg) is causing ripples within the international Art community. Whether the truth is about weaknesses in financial management (as suggested by Salander’s lawyer) or something more sinister is beside the point. Many are now asking whether, with the growing number and size of transactions, a more formal, and compulsory, oversight system is necessary for the Art world to protect individual buyers and sellers.



meus pais / my folks


Sábado, 27 de Outubro de 2007

Uma outra ciência

Nesta semana, Mauro e Manuela estiveram no Acre, aqui em Rio Branco. Trata-se do casal de antropólogos Mauro Almeida e Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, que há mais de vinte anos realizam pesquisas no Acre e apoiam as lutas de suas populações por seus direitos territoriais, sociais, intelectuais, enfim, direitos a uma vida digna. Mauro, aliás, é acreano. Entre os anos de 1982 e 1983 viveu nos seringais do alto rio Tejo, cortou seringa, acompanhou o dia a dia dos seringueiros e dez anos depois defendeu sua tese de doutorado em Cambridge, infelizmente ainda não integralmente traduzida e publicada. Juntos, ele e Manuela organizaram a mais completa publicação existente até o momento sobre os conhecimentos e as técnicas desenvolvidas pelas populações locais do Alto Juruá, a “Enciclopédia da Floresta” (Cia. das Letras, SP, 2002). A Enciclopédia é resultado de um projeto que promoveu uma extensa e intensa parceria entre cientistas acadêmicos e moradores da floresta na região do Alto Juruá. Tive o privilégio de participar desta empreitada. (cont)

eu li / i read

The question of how to sell without selling out is especially relevant in the contemporary art world and there are few people better qualified to grapple with this thorny topic than Dave Hickey.

Not only is he Professor of English at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, Hickey is also one of America’s best known art and cultural critics, admired for his aversion to academicism and his robust analysis of the effects on art of the rough and tumble of the free market.

Last month he delivered a keynote speech at Frieze: “Schoolyard art: playing fair without the referee.” Here we present an edited transcript.

The lecture is available as a podcast at: www.friezefoundation.org/talks.

The title of this talk comes from a legend about the great basketball player Julius Irving, Dr J, who was famous even in his schoolyard days; he wanted to be a professional player so much that he always played by the rules even on the school yard.

He would call fouls on himself.

Any of you who have been around the art world for the last few years will realise the aptness of this comparison because whatever rules there may have been, no longer apply.

There are people out there who like art more than money.

The only bad thing is that there are a lot of artists who like money more than art.

This is a problem but consider the benefits.

There has never been a better chance to draw attention to oneself by behaving honourably and honestly and meticulously.

If you want to be an icon of virtue, this is the moment because you’ll stand out.If you behave well, if you behave correctly, if you make art that will still matter in 200 years, all you can lose is money.

Did anyone get into the art world to make money? I got into it for sex and drugs but not for money. (cont)


sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2007

e eu tb! / me too!

meu trabalho participa de uma coletiva no museu de arte contemporanea da universidade da florida q abre hoje! e em outra numa galeria em portugal q abre amanha :)

i'm taking part in a group show at the contemporary art museum of the university of south florida which opens 2day! and in another one in a gallery in portugal opening tomorrow

Homing Devices is a group exhibition that considers the way contemporary Latin American and Caribbean sculptors-who may live and work anywhere in the world-approach the idea of home in context of increasing globalization, mobility, exile and migration in the Americas. By including works that are accented but not defined or delimited by cultural, geographical, and national boundaries, the exhibition considers the vital question of how art and artists preserve their identity within a global landscape.

Artists include: Abel Barroso (Cuba); María Fernanda Cardoso (Colombia, lives in Sydney, Australia); Tiago Carneiro da Cunha (Brazil); Enrique Chagoya (USA); Diego de la Cruz and Antuán Lázaga (Puerto Rico); Edouard Duval-Carrié (Haiti, lives in Miami); Iran do Espírito Santo (Brazil); José Manuel Fors (Cuba); Carlos Garaicoa (Cuba); Kcho (Cuba); Ernesto Leal (Cuba); Los Carpinteros (Cuba); Jorge Macchi (Argentina); Luis o Miguel (Cuba); Cildo Meireles (Brazil); Sandra Ramos (Cuba); Roseângela Rennó (Brazil); Betsabée Romero (Mexico); and Sofía Táboas (Mexico). The exhibition will be organized to travel and is a significant component to the Tampa Bay area’s 2007 Arte Festival, which celebrates the variety of cultures from Latin American and the Caribbean.


Mono#Cromáticos – Vertentes na arte contemporânea brasileira

27 de Outubro (Sábado) a 15 de Fevereiro (Sexta feira)

A exposição colectiva Mono#Cromáticos – Vertentes na arte contemporânea brasileira exibe duas vertentes conceptuais existentes nas artes visuais no Brasil. A primeira vertente é concreta e minimalista na sua concepção e a segunda é colorista, pop e hedonista. Derivadas de uma “querela modernista”(*), que dividiu os artistas seguidores de uma arte abstracta dos de uma arte figurativa, na arte brasileira surgiram, desde os finais dos anos 1950, duas vertentes antipódicas na maneira de conceptualizar e de realizar os propósitos artísticos nacionais. Desde então, a arte brasileira trilhou um caminho de divisão conceptual e colocou de um lado os construtivistas, os abstractos e adeptos do rigor formalista e monocromático e, do outro lado, os artistas coloristas que misturam exemplos de liberdade criativa, aliando a tradição à inovação, delineada pelo uso da cor, da linha curva e dos motivos da alta e da baixa cultura.
No momento contemporâneo, estas duas vertentes confundem-se no panorama mas, mesmo assim, assiste-se a uma diversidade de propostas conceptuais demarcadas por linhas muito subtis, entre uma proposta mais construtiva, formal, e outra mais colorida, ecléctica e cheia de referências aos aspectos sociais, económicos e culturais da América Latina.
Da corrente colorista, apresentamos exemplos de modos barrocos de captar as influências europeias – especialmente a portuguesa – a negra e a índia, e de a todas transformar numa arte sensual, curvilínea, confirmando a afirmação de Hogart, segundo a qual “uma linha curva terá sempre mais beleza que uma linha recta”. Assim, a mostra apresenta desde a afirmação do popular nas obras de Cao Guimarães, Felipe Barbosa, Jarbas Lopes, Marepe e Rochele Costi, até ao modus surrealista de Cabelo e Janaina Tschäpe, e ainda ao barroco pattern de Beatriz Milhazes, Eder Santos, Mariana Palma, Miguel Rio Branco, Tiago Carneiro da Cunha e Vik Muniz. (...)


agenda dos amigos / friend's dates

esqueci q ontem o shay abriu uma expo individual em tel-aviv! muita merda!
i forgot yesterday shay opened a solo show in tel-aviv. hope it went well shay! wish i could be there!

e o titulo eh incrivel / and the title is incredible:


e amanha tem individual do efrain em sp / & 2moro is efrain's show at fortes vilaca SP




quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2007

nosso amigo enrico / our friend enrico david

tah tendo uma exposicao demolidora no ica de londres. a gente expos juntos no AGORA-capacete em 2001
has a killer show at the ica in london. go enrico! we had a show together here in rio in 2001

Musical moment 2, 2006-2007. Courtesy of the artist and Cabinet, London">

e artigo na frieze! / and a review on frieze:


(click 4 hi res)

Enrico David


wool on dyed canvas
300 x 220 cm


algumas perolas do dudiMR / some pearls from dudiMR

o blog dele tem uns trabalhos lindos, mas infelizmente tende a dar pau no meu browser
his blog has some amazing stuff, but unfortunately tends to make my browser crash


segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2007

nem sei pq me dou ao trabalho / don't know why i even bother

se o st clair jah fez antes e melhor? / if st clair has done it b4 and better?
essa tem a ver c essa e essa e essa e essa/ this one is on a similar note as this one and this one and this one and this one


Bronze with Marble Base

34"x16"x9 1/4 "




a foda do davinci / the da vinci fuck

Coition of a Hemisected Man and Woman, c. 1492


quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2007

einstein e deus / einstein & god

Einstein and the Mind of God

Speaking at a conference on science, religion and philosophy in 1941, Albert Einstein famously said that “science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” Einstein, a German-born Jew, considered himself religious. But what he meant by religion was not straightforward. The first episode of a two-part podcast called Einstein and the Mind of God (iTunes - MP3 - Web Site) tries to sort out Einstein’s religious sensibility and how it squares with his scientific thinking. For Einstein, religion consisted of a belief, not in a personal God, but a universal spirit that manifests itself in nature. And it was the task of physics to make sense of nature, of God’s universe. Or, so that is how it’s explained by Freeman Dyson, a famed theoretical physicist who appears on the show. (cont)


sábado, 13 de outubro de 2007


eu tinha esquecido desse trabalho:
i had forgotten about this work:

Autoportrait de Gustave Courbet intitulé ...
Gustave Courbet, Le Désespéré (détail), 1843-45,
(45 x 54 cm), Collection particulière,
par courtoisie de Conseil Investissement Art BNP Paribas


now @
Gustave Courbet

e o classico / and the classic:

l'origine du monde


El Cid, Juan Cristobal, 1955

dificil de ver nessa foto mas a barba dessa estatua eh incrivel
it's hard to tell from this pic but the beard on this statue is amazing

Estatua de El Cid, Burgos, Espanha
Juan Cristóbal, 1955


essa tah melhor / this one's better:

photo by uli franke


quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2007

otimo material do burroughs / great burroughs material

'william s. burroughs, commissioner of sewers'




terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2007

meu amigo afonso / my friend afonso tostes

abre amanha a sua exposicao na galeria virgilio, SP. boa sorte afonso!
opens his show tomorrow at galeria virgilio, sao paulo. good luck!

Afonso Tostes
Abertura: quarta-feira, 10 de outubro às 20hs
Exposição: 11 de outubro a 3 de novembro de 2007

segunda a sexta das 10 às 19hs
sábado e feriados das 10 às 17hs

rua dr. virgilio de carvalho pinto 426 - 05415-020 São Paulo SP - (5511) 3062-9446


o que é faiança / what is faïence?

caso vc esteja se perguntando / in case u r wondering:


  • Owl in Art (16th cent. / Germany)
  • sogenannter Eulenpokal, hier der Ehrenpokal der Stadt Schaffhausen
  • 16. Jahrhundert, Fayencearbeit
  • Photo taken by user de:Benutzer:BS Thurner Hof


saiu do forno / just out of the oven

a minha 1a peça em faiança que não rachou! mas a cor nao ficou como eu queria...
my 1st piece in faience that didn't crack! but the color is not the way i wanted it...

segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2007

é hoje! / it's tonight!

boa sorte erika!
good luck erika!

Blow de la Barra invites you to the opening of the exhibition


Monday, October 8th, 2007, 6:00 to 8:30 PM
The exhibition will remain open until November 10, 2007
Gallery hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10 AM to 6 PM

Blow de la Barra
Erika Verzutti, Model for ‘7 Headed Monster’ Sculpture, 2007

Visit Blow de la Barra website

Visit blowdelabarra's blog

quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2007

opens tomorrow / abre amanha

a versao integral do meu video do homem-gorila participa dessa coletiva amanha em amsterdam!

the full (40 min) version of my monkey-man video is in this group show in amsterdam:

The Virtual Museum Zuidas and SKOR (Foundation for Art and Public Space)
cordially invite you to the opening of


ON Friday, October 5, 2007
TIME 16:00 - 19:00, Official opening at 17:00 hrs.
LOCATION Zuidplein, Amsterdam (next to Zuid/WTC station)
Officiated by Maarten Van Poelgeest, Amsterdam city councillor for urban planning.
Opening performance by Roel Wouters and Luna Maurer.

quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2007

mto mto bom / v v good: the message


mto bom / v funny

terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2007

brazil world champion in insecurity


70% dos brasileiros sentem-se inseguros

Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul/Divulgação

do UNIN Rio

Setenta em cada cem brasileiros se sentem inseguros quando voltam para casa. A estatística faz parte do Relatório Global sobre Assentamentos Humanos, do Programa das Nações Unidas para Assentamentos Urbanos (UN-Habitat), que este ano aborda o tema da segurança nas cidades do mundo.

má noticia burra / bad stupid news

O Dia Online

NO RASTRO DE ‘TROPA DE ELITE’Após ver muita gente usando a farda em festa, Washington foi a loja experimentar o uniforme. Foto: Alexandre Vieira / Ag. O DIA

Usar farda do
Bope vira moda entre jovens

Lojas de uniformes militares aumentam
as vendas em
30%, principalmente
para jovens

segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2007

curiosidade / curiosity

quem pode pode 3

Could you all please relax?

Damien Hirst responds to press reports of a leak in one of his formaldehyde works

Monday October 1, 2007
The Guardian

Hirst, Mother and Child divided
In need of restoration ... Damien Hirst's Mother and Child Divided

Sadly, nothing in life lasts for ever, not even art objects . Our houses fall down eventually; all we can hope for is that, with lots of help, care, love, understanding and hard work, we can make the things that we value last a very long time. When it comes to my work, lots of people think that I use formaldehyde to preserve an artwork for posterity, when in reality I use it to communicate an idea.

Article continues

quem pode pode 2

na semana q vem a erika abre a sua 1a individual em londres! da-lhe erika! o convite ficou chiquerrimo

next week erika opens her 1st solo show in london! go erika! the invite looks fabulous



quem pode pode

meu ex-chefe bob wilson estah leiloando parte da sua impressionante colecao de objetos, e estah tudo online:

my former boss bob wilson is auctioning part of his impressive collection of objects, and it's all online:
