domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008

otimas conferencias nesse site; esses suissos... / great conferences on this site; oh these swiss... Donna Haraway presenting the companion species manifesto, discussing the relationship and joint lives of humans, dogs and companion species, a response to her own cyborg manifesto, dogs, people and significant otherness, the birth of the kennel, cyborgs, nature and culture, dogs as fleshly material-semiotic presences in the body of technoscience, partners in the crime of human evolution, organisms, society, identity, social relationships, philosophy and feminism. Free public open video lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2003. Donna Haraway.

Jacques Derrida in his Paris seminar "A Critique of Psychoanalysis", a
public open lecture focusing on texts from Gilles Deleuze for students
of European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies
Department Program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, France 2004

Jean Baudrillard thinking and talking about the violence of the image,
the violence to the image, aggression, oppression, transgression,
regression, effects and causes of violence, violence of the virtual,
3d, virtual reality, transparency, psychological and imaginary. Open
Lecture given by Jean Baudrillard after his seminar for the students at
the European Graduate School, EGS Media and Communication Program
Studies Department, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, in 2004.
Judith Butler, Slavoj Zizek, and Larry Rickels discussing
psychoanalysis. First segment of a free public open lecture for the
students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication
Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, Slavoj
Zizek, Judith Butler and Larry Rickels 2006.
Manuel DeLanda lecturing about the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Public
Open Video Lecture at European Graduate School EGS, Media and
Communication Studies department program. Saas-Fee, Switzerland 2007.
Manuel De Landa. Gilles Deleuze.
Manuel DeLanda speaking about materialism and experience, Gilles
Deleuze, materialist philosophy, left and marxist movement, a world of
experience, philosophy of nature, social constructivism, sociology,
materialism, Immanuel Kant, David Hume, Martin Heidegger and Jacques
Derrida. Free public open video lecture for the students and faculty of
the European Graduate School EGS, Film Media and Communication Studies
department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2008. Manuel De
Slavoj Zizek speaking about belief, the other, others radical
otherness, respect for otherness, resistance, hatred, intolerance
towards wisdom, totalitarian regimes, displacement, multitude and
diversity, just action, fighting fascism, preserving humanity by
killing the enemy, Alain Badiou, Judith Butler, including references to
movies like Unbreakable with Bruce Willis and Shrek. Public open
lecture for the students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and
Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland,
Europe, 2006, Slavoj Zizek.
Slavoj Zizek lecturing about materialism and theology, Charles Darwin,
Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and
the psychoanalysis of culture and societies. Videolecture focuses on
fundamentalism, materialism, theology, atheism, atheists, humanists,
humanism, reason, logic, rationality, believe, faith, religion,
christian, christianity, islam, fundamentalists, fundamentalism, god,
nature, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Public open lecture for the
students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication
Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2007, Slavoj