o brasil quebra mais um recorde c/ essa historia de oficiais do exercito entregarem 3 jovens do morro da providencia a traficantes de outro morro rival, que os torturaram e mataram. foda. e a ironia eh q a providencia foi originalmente estabelecida por soldados veteranos de canudos, alem de estar na origem da palavra favela: era conhecida como morro da favela em referencia a um tipo de vegetacao de canudos, conhecida como faveleiro (eh o q li hj no globo)
brazil sets yet another benchmark w/ this story of army officers delivering 3 young men from the morro da providencia to drug dealers from a rival favela, who tortured and killed them. fucked up. and the irony is that providencia was originally set up by canudos war veterans, besides being the origin of the word favela: it was known as morro da favela, in reference to a canudos plant (read it today on globo)
brazil sets yet another benchmark w/ this story of army officers delivering 3 young men from the morro da providencia to drug dealers from a rival favela, who tortured and killed them. fucked up. and the irony is that providencia was originally set up by canudos war veterans, besides being the origin of the word favela: it was known as morro da favela, in reference to a canudos plant (read it today on globo)