sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2008


Damien Hirst: The Golden Calf

Art sales: bullish Hirst rattles the market

Last Updated: 12:01am BST 24/06/2008

Colin Gleadell on Damien Hirst's direct sales plan

  • Market news
  • Damien
    Hirst has unveiled an audacious plan to bypass his dealers and sell
    directly at auction, sparking fears that the salerooms will take
    business away from galleries selling new art.

    In September, he will offer a number of new works directly from his
    studio at Sotheby's. Leading the sale will be a 2m x 3m bull in
    formaldehyde called The Golden Calf, with hooves and horns cast in
    solid 18-carat gold, and a golden halo crowning its head. The sculpture
    is estimated to fetch up to £12 million, which would be an auction
    record for the artist.



    segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2008

    falando nisso 2 / speaking of which II

    A detail of a new work by artists Jake and Dino Chapman at the White Cube art gallery
    Skeletons admire an artist at an easel in another detail from 'F*ck*ng Hell', by the Chapman Bros (Ben Gurr/The Times)

    Jake & Dinos recreate Hell for new White Cube show

    Jake Chapman and Dinos Chapman alongside their model artwork entitled, 'F*ck*ng Hell' Slide Show
    Times Online

    domingo, 22 de junho de 2008

    falando nisso / speaking of which

    to lendo isso / i'm reading this:

    Georges Bataille, The Cruel Practice of Art (zipped PDF, 24k)

    "Cruel Practice" considers the relation between art, sacrifice, and death. It was originally translated by Supervert for the BLAM! 1 CD-ROM, and is now presented here in a new and revised translation


    Georges Bataille Electronic Library

    Free etexts by 20th century French theorist and writer Georges Bataille.

    Georges Bataille

    Georges Bataille (1897-1962)

    terça-feira, 17 de junho de 2008

    luto / mourning

    o brasil quebra mais um recorde c/ essa historia de oficiais do exercito entregarem 3 jovens do morro da providencia a traficantes de outro morro rival, que os torturaram e mataram. foda. e a ironia eh q a providencia foi originalmente estabelecida por soldados veteranos de canudos, alem de estar na origem da palavra favela: era conhecida como morro da favela em referencia a um tipo de vegetacao de canudos, conhecida como faveleiro (eh o q li hj no globo)

    brazil sets yet another benchmark w/ this story of army officers delivering 3 young men from the morro da providencia to drug dealers from a rival favela, who tortured and killed them. fucked up. and the irony is that providencia was originally set up by canudos war veterans, besides being the origin of the word favela: it was known as morro da favela, in reference to a canudos plant (read it today on globo)

    No enterro das vítimas, o protesto contra Crivella no cartaz / Foto: Domingos Peixoto

    Trabalhadores de obra do PAC na Providência fazem protesto em frente ao prédio do Comando Militar do Leste. Foto de Lucíola Villela

    Velório e enterro dos jovens sequestrados e mortos no Morro da Providência no cemitério São João batista / Foto: Domingos Peixoto

    Moradores da comunidade da Providencia em protesto contra três jovens que foram detidos pelo Exeécito, atearam fogo em um ônibus no Viaduto de acesso ao Santo Cristo, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro / Foto: Hipólito Pereira - O Globo

    Manifestantes no cemitério São João Batista / Foto: Fabio Rossi


    domingo, 1 de junho de 2008

    pra ouvir no trabalho / to listen to at work

    Eve’s Diary

    by Mark Twain (1835-1910)

    Eve’s Diary is a humorous monologue about
    Eve’s experiences at the dawn of creation. She is fascinated by
    every aspect of the new world around her and… Adam! The
    following is an extract from Adam:

    “She is all interest, eagerness, vivacity, the world is to her
    a charm, a wonder, a mystery, a joy; she can’t speak for delight
    when she finds a new flower, she must pet it and caress it and smell it
    and talk to it…. And she is color-mad: brown rocks, yellow sand,
    gray moss, green foliage, blue sky…none of them is of any
    practical value, so far as I can see, but because they have color and
    majesty, that is enough for her, and she loses her mind over
    them…. If there is anything on the planet that she is not
    interested in, it is not in my list.”

    (Summary by Esther)

    mp3 and ogg files


    good fun tho i don't totally agree / divertida apesar de eu nao concordar inteiramente

    fonte: idem