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From Bk.I:276
- With permission from Neff
EL:L02:276.Letter 02(02)
Spinoza to Oldenburg. Sept.1661?
{Oldenburg correspondence}
[Spinoza defines "G-D", and "attribute" and sends definitions, axioms, and first four propositions of Book I. of Ethics. Some errors of Bacon and Descartes discussed.]
[L2:1]. Illustrious Sir,—How pleasant your friendshipis to me, you may yourself judge, if your modesty will allow you to reflect on the abundance of your own excellences. Indeed the thought of these makes me seem not a little bold in entering into such a compact, the more so when I consider that between friends all things, and especially things spiritual, ought to be in common. However, this must lie at the charge of your modesty and kindness rather than of myself. You have been willing to lower yourself through the former and to fill me with the abundance of the latter, till I am no longer afraid to accept the close friendship, which you hold out to me, and which you deign to ask of me in return; no effort on my part shall be spared to render it lasting.
As for my mental endowments, such as they are, I would willingly allow you to share them, even though I knew it would be to my own great hindrance. But this is not meant as an excuse for denying to you what you ask by the rights of friendship.
I will therefore endeavour to explain my opinions on the topics you touched on; though I scarcely hope, unless your kindness intervene, that I shall thus draw the
bonds of our friendship closer.
I will then begin by speaking briefly of G-D, Whom I define as a Being consisting in infinite attributes, whereof each is infinite or supremely perfect after its kind. You must observe that by attribute I mean everything, which is conceived through itself and in itself, so that the conception of it does not involve the conception of anything else. For instance, extension is conceived through itself and in itself, but motion is not.
The latter is conceived throughsomething else, for the conception of it implies extension. ]Bk.XIII:623—E1:D.3&4:45.[
That the definition above given of G-D is true appears from the fact, that by G-D we mean a Being supremely perfect and absolutely infinite.
That such a Beingexists may easily be proved from the definition; but as this is not the place for such proof, I will pass it over. WhatI am bound here to prove, in order to satisfy the first inquiry of my distinguished questioner, are the following consequences; first that in the universe there cannot exist twosubstances without their
differing utterly in essence; secondly that substance cannot be produced or created—existence pertains to its actual essence; thirdly, that all substance must be infinite or supremely perfect after its kind.
VI, & VIII:47; Bk.XIV:1:1184,
When these points have been demonstrated, my distinguished questioner will readily perceive my drift, if hereflects at the same time on the definition of G-D. In order to prove them clearly and briefly, I can think of nothing better than to submit them to
the bar of your judgment proved in the geometrical method. [The allusion is to E1. Beginning to Prop.4.] I therefore enclose them separately and await your verdict upon them.
Again, you ask me what errors I detect in the Cartesiansand Baconian philosophies. It is not my custom to expose the errorsof others, nevertheless I will yield to your request. The first and the greatest error is, that these philosophers have strayed so far from the knowledge of the first cause and origin of all things; thesecond is, that they did not know the true nature of the human mind; the third,that they never grasped the true cause of error. The necessity for correct knowledge on these three points can only be ignored by persons completely devoid of learning and training. {essay2:N8}
That they have wandered astray from the knowledgeof the first cause, and of the human mind,may easily be gathered from the truth of thethree propositions given above;I therefore devote myself entirely to the demonstration of the third error.
Of Bacon I shallsay very little, for he speaks very confusedly on the point, and works out scarcely any proofs: he simply narrates. In the first place he assumes, that the human intellect is liable to err, not only throughthe fallibility of the senses, but also solely through its own nature, and that it frames its conceptions in accordance with the analogy of its own nature, not with the analogy of the universe, so that it is like a mirror receiving rays from external objects unequally, and mingling its own nature with the nature of things, &c.
Secondly, that the human intellect is, by reason of its own nature, prone to abstractions; such things as are in flux it feigns to be constant, &c.
Thirdly, that the human intellect continually augments, and is unable to come to a stand or to rest content. The other causes which he assigns may all be reduced to the one Cartesian principle, that the human will is free andmore extensive than the intellect, or, as Verulam himself more confusedly puts it, that "the understanding
is not a dry light, but receives infusion from the will." (We may here observe that Verulam often employs "intellect"as synonymous with mind, differing in this respect
from Descartes). This cause, then, leaving aside the others as unimportant, I shall show to be false; indeed its falsity would be evident to its supporters, if they would consider, that will in general differs from this or that particular volition in the same way as whiteness differs from this or that 2P49 white object, or humanity from this or that man. It is, therefore, as impossible to conceive, that will is the cause of a given volition, as to conceive that humanity is the cause of Peter and Paul.
Hence, as will is merely an entity of the reason,and cannot be called the cause
of particular volitions, and as some cause is needed for the existence of such volitions, these latter cannot be called free, but are necessarily such as they are determined by their causes; lastly,according to Descartes, errors are themselves particular volitions; hence it necessarily follows that errors, or, in other words, particular volitions, are not free, but are determined by external causes, and in nowise by the will. This is what I undertook to prove.
Spinoza to Oldenburg
Sept. 1661?
Recentemente, a jornalista Natália Viana disponibilizou o livro-denúncia "Plantados no chão - Assassinatos políticos no Brasil hoje" (Editora Conrad, 2007) na íntegra para cópia.
O livro reporta seis diferentes casos, no espaço rural e urbano,
de assassinatos de militantes e pessoas ligadas a alguma luta social,
durante o atual período do Estado democrático de direito.
Apesar de descrever relativamente poucos casos, o livro coloca em pauta
a violência da qual os diversos movimentos sociais são
alvos rotineiramente.
Segundo a autora, a dificuldade inicial foi
pela inexistência de definição de assassinato
político, necessitando assim criá-lo. E, com a ajuda do
filósofo Paulo Arantes, definiu-se como sendo a violência
praticada contra aqueles que - inseridos em organizações
sociais - lutam por direitos coletivos, como o passe livre, a reforma
agrária, direitos trabalhistas, demarcação de
território indígena, etc. Dessa forma, esse crime
não só atenta contra a vida mas, no limite, contra a
própria democracia, por impedir a participação
política dos indivíduos.
A motivação
de tal publicação foi devido a invisibilidade
midiática desses casos, os quais continuam a se repetir e os
responsáveis permanecem impunes. "Em plena democracia, os
verdadeiros mandantes - os interesses econômicos e
políticos contrariados pelas atividades das vítimas -
parecem continuar poderosos e intocáveis", escreve Jan
Rocha, jornalista e escritora, no prefácio do livro. Assim, essa
iniciativa também visa agregar novas denúncias e casos
através de um blog, o qual em breve será lançado.
Links:: Leia a entrevista de Paulo Henrique Amorim com a autora | Site do livro
Publicada em 16/02/2008 às 16h08m
Karla Monteiro - O GloboRIO
- Aconteceu numa noite de quarta-feira, dia 23 de janeiro, numa das
favelas mais violentas do Rio. Na pracinha da comunidade, crianças,
casais e traficantes armados dividem o mesmo carrinho de churrasco. O
dono da boca-de-fumo, paramentado com um fuzil ornado com detalhes em
prata, recebe cheio de honra a comitiva do pastor Marcos Pereira da
Silva, fundador da Assembléia de Deus dos Últimos Dias.
O bandido de 29 anos e olhos assustados, que exibe com orgulho
um pesado cordão de ouro com um pingente onde se lê "Jesus", dá as
boas-vindas ao "homem de Deus". O pastor não perde a deixa. Diz ao seu
anfitrião, em tom de brincadeira e intimidade, que o nome sagrado não
combina com armas nem com os cinco anelões espalhafatosos que decoram a
mão direita do chefe do morro.
Conversa vai, conversa vem, o traficante revela que seus
soldados haviam capturado um suspeito de estupro na favela. O pastor,
então, começa a sua ladainha. Sempre em nome de Jesus. Em pouco tempo,
ele consegue convencer o chefe a entregar o refém, então condenado à
morte pelas leis do tráfico. Meia hora depois, um carro vinho
estaciona, alguns garotos abrem o porta-malas e arrancam de lá um rapaz
com a cabeça coberta de sangue.
O pastor enfia o suposto estuprador no seu carro e convoca
toda a bandidagem para uma oração. Sem depor o armamento de guerra, a
rapaziada faz uma roda e, de mãos dadas com o exército de evangélicos,
grita um convincente "Glória a Deus!".
- Para mim, não importa a facção. Todos os traficantes do Rio
me respeitam. Eu não defendo o Evangelho, eu defendo o ser humano. Aos
poucos, estou conseguindo acabar com a pena de morte nas favelas -
orgulha-se o pastor Marcos, como é chamado. - Já tirei muita gente da
morte e também já recuperei muito bandido. Há quase 20 anos visito
presídios, vou a bocas-de-fumo e levo a "Palavra" para esses meninos.
Quando resgato um condenado pelas leis do tráfico, eu o levo para a
minha igreja. (cont)
Veja fotos do trabalho do pastor
Ouça trechos de entrevistas com o religioso
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Sleep - Jul. 2007
Why do we need sleep? Part of the answer may be to strengthen memories.
1918 Flu - Nov. 2006
A virus that killed up to 50 million people is brought back to life to decipher its deadliness.
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Images not to scale
Dates, in millions of years ago, give the estimated age of known fossils.
Eusthenopteron looked and behaved a lot like modern fish, but hidden within its fins were the precursors of the arm and leg bones of four-limbed land animals. The later Tiktaalik took a further step toward terrestrial life with early wrist and finger bones that allowed the animal to prop itself up and poke its head from the water of the shallow swamps it favored. Tiktaalik's skeleton indicates that it probably breathed both through gills, like Eusthenopteron, and through a lung-like structure, like the later Ichthyostega and modern amphibians. Ichthyostega's even stronger limbs probably developed so that it could maneuver around thick vegetation in its marshy habitat and even haul itself along muddy banks when necessary.
Despite its distinctly lizard-like appearance, Dimetrodon possessed a suite of traits more common to later mammals than to its close relatives, the true reptiles. Most notably, the sail protruding from Dimetrodon's back allowed the animal to partially regulate its body temperature, marking what could have been a major point in the transition to warm-bloodedness. The later Thrinaxodon didn't have a sail but was probably covered in fur and might have been warm-blooded like the early mammal Morganucodon. Another documented shift toward mammals took place in the mouth: Dimetrodon had differentiated teeth and a strong bite, although it gulped its prey whole like true reptiles do even today. Thrinaxodon developed a stronger lower jaw and could chew, but it was Morganucodon that sported both sharp teeth and grinding molars like we have today.
Few topics spark as much controversy among paleontologists as the transition from reptiles to birds. Experts don't know what Archaeopteryx's closest dinosaur ancestor looked like—fossils haven't yet been found—but they think it might have looked somewhat like Velociraptor (hence our showing it here, despite its much later age). Archaeopteryx, the first known bird, did share a common ancestor with Velociraptor as well as traits this ancestor would have had: sharp claws for grasping prey and long hind legs and a stabilizing tail for running, for example. Yet Archaeopteryx also had feathers indicative of early flight, although the orientation of its shoulder joint and its lack of a bony breastbone imply the animal was more of a glider than many modern birds—it couldn't lift its wings above its back or flap them for extended flight. Archaeopteryx's later bird relative, Yanornis, had a bone structure more conducive to bird flight as we know it today. It could flap its wings and, like many modern birds, it had a short, aerodynamic tail. Like Archaeopteryx, however, Yanornis did retain some dinosaurian features, including teeth.
Pakicetus may have looked somewhat like a dog with hoofs, but it was actually an early cetacean—a group that comprises the dolphins, porpoises, and whales. The proof, scientists say, lies in Pakicetus's ears, which were intermediate between those of terrestrial and fully aquatic mammals, and in its triangular, whale-like teeth. Pakicetus and its relatives were possibly fish-eating scavengers that ventured into the water to find live prey. Although the later Ambulocetus had tiny hoofs on its hind legs and could probably walk, its toes were webbed like those of modern mammals adapted for swimming. Its fossilized bones suggest that Ambulocetus undulated its spine vertically in the water like the still later Basilosaurus (as well as modern otters and whales) and not side-to-side like fish. Although Basilosaurus had tiny, weak hind "legs" left over from its evolutionary past, the animal was probably fully aquatic. Its sturdy front flippers were particularly adapted for the water, though they still had an arm-like bone structure as in those of modern cetaceans.
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![]() | THE FOSSIL RECORDA 2004 discovery in the arctic of a transitional fossil from fish to land-dwelling animals is the latest substantiation of Darwin's theory of evolution. running time 8:36 |
With the fall of Ernst Haeckel’s Biogenetic Law in the 1920s, the evolutionary study of embryos receded into the intellectual backwaters for decades. Haeckel’s notion that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny wasdeeply flawed, but it was at least straightforward. The few researchers who tried to carry on the study of embryos and evolution proposed a confusing jumble of different kinds of evolutionary change—for which they invented a jumble of hideously confusing names such as paedomorphosis, proterogenesis, and phyloembryogenesis. Most embryologists chose instead to focus on understanding how embryos develop—a formidable question in itself—without thinking much about the evolutionaryimplications of their work. Meanwhile, evolutionary biologists concentrated much of their efforts on the blossoming field of genetics.
More than anyone else, the Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould (above) drew attention back to embryos as evolutionary time capsules. In his landmark 1977 book Ontogeny and Phylogeny, Gould documented the history of scientific research that had led to so much confusion. But he also demonstrated that the wealth of cases could be organized by some simple principles. Imagine that the timing of development is controlled by two knobs like you’d find on a radio. One controls the rate at which an organism grows. The other controls the rate at which it changes shape over time. Random mutation may end up changing the settings of each knob, thereby speeding up or slowing down the rate at which a species’ embryos develop. These kinds of adjustments can alter the entire body of an organism, or individual organs.
If evolution had slowed the rate of shape change of a salamander, but kept everything else the same, we would have ended up with the axolotl.
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A man of few wordsEd Ruscha, one of the creators of pop art, talks to Emma Forrest about earthquakes, inspirations - and the artists he rates todayIn pictures: Highlights from the show Wednesday February 6, 2008 The Guardian ![]() 'The lie at the core of the work? That's not what I intend people to see' ... Untitled 1, 2008, by Ruscha. Photograph: Gagosian Gallery At 70 years of age, clean-shaven, with thick white hair and a fine physique, the artist Ed Ruscha is disarmingly handsome. He looks something like his close friend Dennis Hopper, but even more like a tidied-up Harry Dean Stanton. He has on a grey sweatshirt, blue jeans, normal-looking sneakers and spectacles that might be expensive. His voice sounds luxurious, too. Not posh, but lush and comforting, a slight Jack Nicholson drawl. As I enter his studio, Woody, his dog and mascot, comes running at me with a combination of kisses and growls. "Woody senses you're a writer," Ruscha says, deadpan.
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By Linda Sandler
Feb. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. is seeking the forfeiture of an $8 million Jean-Michel Basquiat painting, tied to the collapse of a Brazilian bank, that officials say was smuggled into the U.S. using false documents.
Edemar Cid Ferreira, founder of Banco Santos SA, bought Basquiat's ``Hannibal'' painting with ``unlawfully obtained funds'' and sent it to the U.S. in August 2007 disguised as a $100 work, according to a complaint filed today in federal court in New York by the U.S. Attorney's Office.
``Hannibal,'' along with as much as $30 million of other artworks, couldn't be found when Brazilian authorities seized Ferreira's assets in 2005 and 2006 after he was charged with money laundering and bank fraud. The painting was seized by U.S. authorities from a New York City gallery last November.
Ferreira was sentenced in December 2006 to 21 years in prison for crimes against the financial system and money laundering. A Sao Paulo court ordered forfeiture of all his assets, including the missing art.
The case is U.S. v. The Painting Known as ``Hannibal,'' by Jean-Michel Basquiat, 08cv01511, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York.
To contact the reporter on this story: Linda Sandler in New York at .
Last Updated: February 13, 2008 19:17 ESTPowered by ScribeFire.