domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007

autoretrato afundando / sinking self-portrait

uma das ultimas experiencias em faianca: 'facetado' soh c/ os dedos
one of the latest experiments in faience: 'faceted' w my fingers only

minhas coisas no site da kate / my stuff on kate's site

a kate macgarry refez o site da galeria e botou novas imagens de alguns trabalhos meus
kate macgarry redid her gallery's website and posted new images of some of my works



domingo, 18 de novembro de 2007

eu li / i read

Disastrous sale sends Sotheby's shares falling by 37% in one day

Ed Pilkington in New York
Friday November 9, 2007
The Guardian

Former Sotheby's president Diana Brooks at the New York auction house in April
Photograph: AP
The auction house Sotheby's suffered an almost 40% slump in its share price yesterday in the wake of a disappointing sale of Impressionist and modern art, prompting speculation that the art market bubble is starting to burst.

After 11 years of steep growth in the value of fine art, the drop in Sotheby's stock by about 37% in the course of one day sounded alarm bells. Analysts were particularly struck by the fact that Vincent van Gogh's landscape, Wheat Fields, possibly his last finished work, painted in 1890 two weeks before he committed suicide, was left unsold; Sotheby's had valued it at up to $35m (£17.5m).

terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2007

peticao do rafa / rafa's petition

Esta correndo um projeto de lei que obrigaria as TVs a produzirem conteudo nacional de animacao.
O projeto de Lei criado pelo Vicentinho esta nas maos do Deputado ELISMAR FERNANDES PRADO ( e sofre uma pressao enorme das TVs para nao sair do papel.
Colher um numero grande de assinaturas pode servir como uma ferramenta para vencermos o lobby das TVs.
Assinem e espalhem!


Rafael Terpins
Terpins Greco estudio

Assista os 4 episódios de Batalha, A Guerra Do Vinil:

segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2007

paul macarthy's painter

versao integral disponivel na
full version availiable at:

dica do alberto / alberto's tip: ubuweb


UbuWeb: Film & Video

Vito Acconci
Marina Abramoviç
Igor and Gleb Aleinikov
Alejandra & Aeron
Erik Anderson
Skip Arnold
Robert Ashley
Beth B
Francis Bacon
Derek Bailey
John Baldessari
J.G. Ballard
Piero Bargellini
Colin Barton
Otmar Bauer
Samuel Beckett
David Behrman
Charles Bernstein
Joseph Beuys
Christian Boltanski
Jorge Luis Borges
Walerian Borowczyk
Stan Brakhage
George Brecht
James Broughton
Robert Breer
Gunter Brus
Luis Buñuel
Chris Burden
William S. Burroughs

etc etc etc
cheior de filmes de artistas
full of artist-movies

mais terry jones / more terry jones

Medieval Lives - Host Terry Jones

Famous for lampooning the medieval world in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Terry Jones has a real passion for and detailed knowledge of the Middle Ages. In Terry Jones' Medieval Lives, his mission is to rescue the Middle Ages from moth-eaten cliches and well-worn platitudes. Behind the stereotypes of "damsels in distress" and "knights in shining armor," there are wonderfully human stories that bring the period to life. Terry will start with the medieval archetypes—the Knight, Peasant, Damsel, Monk, Outlaw, King, Merchant, and Physician—and in the course of unravelling their role and function will introduce a host of colorful real-life characters, recreating their world by visiting key locations.

Episodes on Google Video:
Medieval Lives 01 The Peasant
Medieval Lives 02 The Monk
Medieval Lives 03 The Damsel
Medieval Lives 04 The Minstrel
Medieval Lives 05 The Knight
Medieval Lives 06 - The Outlaw
Medieval Lives 07 - The Philosopher
Medieval LIves 08 - The King


sábado, 10 de novembro de 2007

mais amigos / more friends

e anteontem teve a do alberto, mto divertida:

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007

reacao ao 'lo att' no utube / reactions to 'lo att' on utube

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Thursday, November 1. 2007


I am almost finished the basic structure for my new traditionally oriented Gorilla Men website and spent some time today working on a few remaining bios. Most of my attention is usually focused on gorilla men of old but I was stunned by a video clip that I came across in my web travels this afternoon. Performer Peter Elliot has spent over twenty years acting in gorilla suits and also choreographing simian appearances on film. His first major film GREYSTOKE may not be the greatest Tarzan outing but it was distinguished by incredible costuming by Rick Baker. Peter had not appeared on screen a la ape previous to his audition but he made such an impression that he was given the lead role in assembling the ape man's troop. According to his site, the films' production was postponed to allow him time to engage in research and development. I thought it sounded somewhat pretentious but the video below eliminated any doubt that he must have impressed studio execs. The clip originates from footage shot by a English Visual Arts post-grad student Tiago Carneiro da Cunha who entitled it Low Attention Span / High Curiosity Rate (portrait of Peter Elliot). The film maker explains on her blog that the title "refers to how Elliot defines his 'state of perception' while performing."
Elliot's nuanced performance is disturbing in that it quickly convinces you that you are watching a Mountain Gorilla, not a short British man with hand stilts. Bloody good stuff - proof a true gorilla man needs no suit. I recently caught the film BUDDY where he plays the titular role opposite Rene Russo. Another exceptional role for this Brit and reason enough to seek out his other films.

sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2007

ceramica chinesa / chinese pottery

(from silk road exhibition, art insitute of chicago)

the Bactrian camel

the work camel of the trade route


:_( __

Assassinos no poder
Ação de grupos de extermínio dá lucro à contravenção e favorece a ascensão de políticos ligados ao crime na Baixada Fluminense
José Cláudio Souza Alves

A Baixada Fluminense é um imenso campo de concentração sem arame farpado. Ali, 2.500 pessoas são assassinadas por ano, à razão de cinco a seis por dia. A média – 76 assassinatos por 100 mil habitantes – é bem superior ao número de homicídios (50 por 100 mil habitantes) que caracteriza, conforme os padrões da ONU, regiões conflagradas pela guerra. A Baixada se situa a oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e é formada por oito municípios: Duque de Caxias, Belford Roxo, Mesquita, São João de Meriti, Nilópolis, Nova Iguaçu, Queimados e Japeri. Sua população tem sofrido, de forma crônica, com a violência desmedida, sem esperança de que a matança chegue um dia ao fim. (cont)

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2007

gary webb: emocionante

tb do site da approach / also from the approach site

emocionante tb pq a gente viu o 'heart&soul' na coletiva homonima de 99 q lancou esse povo lah em londres. devia fazer uma camiseta

also emotional bcoz i saw 'heart&soul' in the homonimous 99 (?) groupshow in london. i should make a t-shirt

The Creator Has A Master Plan, 2004, Aluminium, rubber, steel, fabric and fan, 190x287x49 cm, 74.8x113x19.3 ins

Gay Boy, 2005, Rock and perspex, 80x88x92.5 cm, 31.5x34.6x36.4 ins

Another Lippers, 2005, Perspex, glass, steel, flocking and rubber sea urchins, 200x70x26 cm, 78.7x27.6x10.2 ins

Cock and Bull, 2001, Plastic, assorted metals, wood, Perspex, china, 184x135x46 cm

Heart and Soul , 2000, glass and neon lights, 100x31.5 cm

Adam or Gary, 2003, Stainless steel, brass, perspex, glass, rubber, paper, 270x350x450cm

Deep Heat T-reg Laguna, 2004, Installation shot at Chisenhale Gallery, London.

Mr Miami , 2004, Steel, Q-Cell, glass, electronics and speakers, 167x104x90 cm, 65.7x40.9x35.4 ins

Pooing Dutchman, 2004,
Glass, magnetic sheeting, wire, coins, clay and perspex,
44x46.5 cm, 17.3x18.3 ins

john stezaker

ele foi professor do meu amigo howard dyke
he was my friend howard dyke's teacher

Mask VII, 2005, Collage, 21x17.5 cm, 8.3x6.9 ins

Cinema 1 II, 2005, Collage, 19x24 cm, 7.5x9.4 ins

Third Person, 1988-1990, Collage, 27x20 cm, 10.6x7.9 ins Framed
Film Portrait (She) VIII, 2005, Collage, 24.5x19.5 cm, 9.6x7.7 ins

Film Portrait (Incision) I, 2005, Collage, 19.5x16 cm, 7.7x6.3 ins

Mask IV, 2005, Collage, 21x17 cm, 8.3x6.7 ins
