quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2007

another stumble gem: 57-dimensional object / outra perola do stumble: objeto de 57 dimensões

'Is this the fabric of the universe?', by Roger Highfield
telegraph.co.uk 19/03/2007

Mathematicians have successfully scaled their equivalent of Mount Everest. Today they unveil the answer to a problem that, if written out in tiny print, would cover an area the size of Manhattan.

A two dimensional representation of E8, courtesy of Peter McMullen and John Stembridge

At the most basic level, the calculation is an arcane investigation of symmetry – in this case of an object that is 57 dimensional, rather than the usual three dimensional ones that we are familiar with. Although this object was first discovered in the 19th century. there is evidence that it could contain the structure of the cosmos. (cont...)

for full story go to:

terça-feira, 20 de março de 2007

web zapping: stumble

na verdade varios desses videos mais bizarros eu encontrei ao acaso zapeando via o stumble
já tinha usado o stumble pra zapear entre pags da web, e eh bem divertido
funciona como um plugin do firefox. pode ser baixado gratis no site:

actually i found several of these more bizarre videos zapping via stumble
i had used stumble b4 to zap amongst webpages (u can program it to match yr interests)
it works as a firefox plugin. u can download it free @:



recomendei pro meu amigo videohacker manuel saiz, q nao eh facil, e ele adorou
i recommended it to my videohacker friend manuel saiz - who is not easy - and he loved it


video cafona mas impressionante / corny but impressive video

bambi's back! / bambi voltou

minha amiga erika



abacaxi (?)

my very dear friend erika verzutti
2 pinturas (acrilico s/ madeira) e 1 bronze

more @:


meu amigo: howard dyke

my dear friend howard dyke
gouache, watercolor & india ink, i think

more @:


meu amigo: shay kun

my dear friend shay
acrylic on canvas

more at:


segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2007

porradas classicas

The Emperor Charles V Restraining Fury, 1550-53
Bronze, height 174 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Triumph of Ferrante Gonzaga, 1564
Piazza Roma, Guastalla

ambas por / both are by:
LEONI, Leone(1509-1590)MannerismItalian

foggini, 'sansão' (usando a mandibula de asno?) - jaw dropping

lasar segall
acho q chama algo tipo 'cova coletiva' / it's called something like 'mass grave'
feito depois da 2a guerra / drawn after WWII (se não me engano)


i like to listen to amy goodman while working / eu gosto de escutar esse programa da amy goodman enquanto trabalho

Democracy Now!

dah pra ver o programa de graça de seg. a sex. - eh bom demais
u can watch the program 4 free from on to fri - v good


(today's show is a bit corny tho / o prog de hoje tah meio brega)

Rio de Janeiro, 2003

algumas imagens q eu baixei a alguns anos atras
some images I downloaded a couple of years ago


más noticias / bad news

not really news to many: the connexion between mangueira drug traffic and the FARC
não é novidade pra muitos...

nao me levem a mal: post reparatorio do grosz / don't get me wrong: reparatory post

(i think this is by grosz... i downloaded it a while ago & forgot...)


Algardi, 'Hercules & the Hydra', 17th cent.

Rio, 2004

Donatello, 'Isaac', 15th cent


700 mortes violentas no RJ desde janeiro / 700 violent deaths in Rio since january


um trabalho antigo / an old work : happy end, 1999

M31 e M104

imagens encontradas via starry night digital download 5, um mapa 3d do universo
images found via starry night digital download 5, a 3d map of the universe


the best 50 $ ever spent on the net (for basic software w/ hubble & chandra images)
os melhores 50 $ q eu jah gastei (pro soft basico + alguns add-ons tipo imagens do hubble)

domingo, 18 de março de 2007

more grosz

'intellectuals', 1920s (?)

alain séchas, 2007


e pro dia nascer feliz: mais glauco

'what a sad little face! what's wrong child?' / 'i'm hungry!' / 'and a bit angry too!'

'in the morning i work doing deliveries / 'in the afternoon i have a job as a driver' / 'at night i collect bills'

'faquinha has become brazilian society's public enemy #1. whose fault is it?' faquinha: 'it's facão's fault' / facão: 'it's the police's fault' / policemen: 'the politician's fault' / politician: 'the elite's fault' / rich guy: 'don't even start: the elite is on vacation'

source: Folha de São Paulo

sábado, 17 de março de 2007

pra fechar o dia: glauco

Geraldão, do Glauco. Folha de São Paulo, 24/07/2006

pra concluir a discussão nu atheism, praticamente

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Online Videos by Veoh.com

dan dennett talk @ TED (pra entender a piada do cordyceps)

re: nu atheism, memes e cordyceps funghi

trouble with atheism - channel four doc

georg grosz


ashley bickerton

leme night & day

na noite da eclipse lunar / lunar eclipse night, 2007

algumas semanas antes aparecerem circulos concentricos estranhos na areia. clique e veja
some weeks before wierd concentric circles appeared on the sand. click & see 4 yrself

aliás ele é amigo do meu amigo efraim

mais victor arruda

The image “http://www.annamarianiemeyer.com.br/VICTOR_ARRUDA/fotos/VICTO6.JPG” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

victor arruda não morreu - apenas fez 60

ontem nos obituarios do globo

Digital Sculpture - 3D Sculpture on Table

Digital Sculpture - 3D Sculpture on Table

e esse é meu

uma coisa meio de morte ou sexo violentos, 2006
violent sex or death kind of thing, 2006

resina de poliester moldada / cast poliester resin

vincenzo danti - honra triumfante sobre a falsidade
